UK Chancellor Rachel Reeves concluded her visit to China last weekend, co-chairing over the first…
Chamber Business Awards 2022: British Chamber of Commerce in China wins International Chamber of the Year 中国英国商会荣获“年度国际商会”奖
As part of the British Chambers of Commerce’s annual Chamber Business Awards 2022, the team at the British Chamber of Commerce in China, Beijing are celebrating after being crowned the International Chamber of the Year.
The Chamber Business Awards, now in its 19th year, is one of the showpieces of the business calendar, highlighting the role that Chambers play in assisting firms to deliver growth and prosperity. The awards provide a brilliant opportunity to recognise and celebrate the achievements of the Chamber Network, and the vital support Chambers provide to businesses.
Judges said the Chamber’s strong evidence of their response to Covid and the support it offered to businesses during the pandemic made them stand out from the five shortlisted International Chambers. They also provided evidence of a strong commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion by going above and beyond to offer resources such as unconscious bias training.
Sarah Howard, Chair of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) said:
“The British Chamber of Commerce in China have demonstrated an incredible dedication to their member businesses throughout the pandemic, operating in a very challenging environment with the unique complexity of Covid measures in their local market. The Chamber have also been strong advocates for their members, and the change they have brought about is evidenced by their impact on policy.”
“在疫情期间,企业面临极具挑战性的经营环境和中国市场独有的复杂的疫情防控政策,在这种环境下,中国英国商会展现出对会员企业令人难以置信的奉献精神。中国英国商会还积极为会员企业发出倡议,并通过影响政策制定带来改变。” – Sarah Howard, 主席, British Chambers of Commerce (英国商会)
“在加入执行委员会的五年里,我见证了团队的成长和发展,他们为在华英国企业提供了强有力的支持,产生了巨大的影响。团队所展现出来的充沛活力和强大韧性,总是令我印象深刻,在疫情期间,尽管面临具有挑战性的形势,他们始终能够保持冷静,继续开展工作。祝愿中国英国商会在新的一年里取得丰硕成果,再创佳绩。” – 沈莹, 中国英国商会执行委员会成员, 毕马威中国气候变化与可持续发展主管合伙人
“能在这样一个开放、有活力、最重要的是多元化的环境中工作,这难道不是最美好的事情吗?我可以很自豪地说,中国英国商会通过我们的战略、工作、会员企业和团队成员,坚决拥护多元化经营理念。在中国动态的、不断变化的营商环境下,多元文化和视角对于中国英国商会继续支持英国企业至关重要。” Rachel Tsang, 副主任, 中国英国商会
“该奖项对我们意义重大,因为这是对我们过去工作的认可。能够获此殊荣,我们倍感荣幸。中国英国商会致力于利用我们有限的能力发挥更大的影响力,因此我对于成功的衡量标准,不只是我们做到了什么,而是我们有哪些超出预期的成绩!我为中国英国商会和我们的团队感到骄傲,我们是一个多元、包容的集体,富有创造力、驱动力和活力。多年来,正是每一位团队成员的激情和动力,成就了中国英国商会,让我们总是能精益求精,力争卓越。” – Steven Lynch, 执行董事, 中国英国商会