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GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)’s actions to fight against COVID-19 outbreak in China
As one of the first-batch pharmaceutical MNCs entering China and carrying the highest-level sense of corporate social responsibility, GSK China took quick actions to join in the battle against the epidemic of COVID-2019 through providing medical aids and supplies to those who in urgent needs, taking caring of GSK employees and organising/participating in charitable donation ever since the pandemic COVID-19 outbroke.
Below is a quick summary with timeline:
- On 24th Jan, GSK China donated 2 million RMB to the China Red Cross Foundation for purchasing medical supplies in urgent need.
- On 25th Jan, GSK China employees volunteered in organising donations and quickly raised a fund more than 300 thousand RMB to purchase medical supplies such as masks, goggles and interphones which are urgently needed by local hospitals in Wuhan. 79 batches of medical supplies including 5,800 masks, 4,579 goggles, 2,800 pairs of medical gloves and 339 interphones have been successfully distributed and delivered to 36 hospitals in Hubei Province as of today.
- On 27th Jan, GSK Tianjin plant donated 50 sets of Dupont dust protective clothing to Tianjin Economic – Technology Development Area, to fully support the prevention and protection for the isolation points at the Area.
- On 28th Jan, Sino-American Tianjin SmithKline & French Laboratories (TSKF) employees ended their holidays ahead of schedule and resumed production of “Fenbid”, “Panodal” and other acetaminophen-containing medicines, ensuring a 100% response rate of drug supplies in the list of government’s pandemic stockpile.
- On 3rd Feb, GSK announced its collaboration with CEPI (the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) to strengthen the global R&D of COVID-2019 vaccines.
- On 13th Feb, GSK Consumer Health donated more than 600 thousand RMB worth of Centrum to hospitals in Wuhan, helping to improve doctors’ own health.
作为首批进入中国且最具企业社会责任感的的跨国药企之一,葛兰素史克中国(GSK China)自新型冠状病毒感染肺炎出现以来,第一时间响应关切,从医疗支持、物资捐赠到员工关怀、慈善大爱,与中国人民一起携手共抗疫情。
- 1月24日,GSK中国向中国红十字基金会捐款200万人民币,用于采购急需医疗物资。
- 1月25日,GSK中国员工自发组织捐款并迅速筹款30余万人民币,用于采购武汉当地医院急需的口罩、护目镜、对讲机等医疗物资。截至目前,79批医疗用品已成功分发并运送到湖北省的36家医院,包括5800个口罩,4579个护目镜,医用手套2800双和339个对讲机。
- 1月27日,葛兰素史克天津工厂全力支持天津经济技术开发区(滨海新区) 疫情防控工作,向天津经济技术开发区捐赠50套杜邦粉尘防护服,用于在开发区的隔离点防护工作。
- 1月28日,中美史克工厂部分员工提前结束假期,开始生产 “芬必得” 、 “必理通“及含对乙酰氨基酚得制剂产品,确保《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎防控首批药品储备参考清单》内药品订单响应率100%,为中国抗击疫情奉献一己之力。
- 2月3日,GSK宣布与流行病防范创新联盟(CEPI)合作,共同推进新型冠状病毒疫苗的全球研发。
- 2月13日,GSK消费保健品业务向武汉5家医院捐赠价值人民币60万元的善存多维元素片,助力医务工作者健康防护。