The British Chamber of Commerce in China is delighted to announce the appointment of Graeme…
Dear British Chamber Members and friends,
The British Chamber network across China has been working with members to address challenges stemming from current travel restrictions that impact the ability for foreign nationals to return to China, and for key personnel to enter China for short-term business visits.
The Chinese border has been closed for foreign nationals since 28 March 2020, as part of the Chinese government’s response to COVID-19. Controlled easing of border controls would help businesses’ continued operations and forward planning. The Chamber network, along with the UK government are closely monitoring the situation and considering possible options to support on this matter.
The Chamber is exploring additional ways we can support the controlled return of British nationals to China. In order to better understand the situation and guide discussions with relevant Chinese authorities, we would like to reach out to our membership to provide a clearer picture beyond the conversations we are already having with members. We would like to hear feedback from how the current situation has been affecting your business. Please email with the following information, before Wednesday 20 May, 2020.
- Your company
- Do you have British nationals / staff outside of China who are needed in China for continued business operations? How many and what countries or regions are they located in?
- How important are the British nationals to your continued operation?
The British Chamber looks forward to working with other British business organisations and government bodies to ensure British businesses’ smooth and confident recovery.
Yours sincerely,
Steven Lynch
Managing Director
British Chamber of Commerce in China