Pitching and writing stories for our bi-monthly print publication, as well as for the website Taking part in weekly editorial meetings and generate ideas for the content and operations of the magazine Taking responsibility for the editorial quality of the magazine as a whole Editing stories for grammar, consistency, and accuracy Helping to grow TWOC’s team and content by cultivating new freelancers, sources, beats, and collaborations Sticking to a strict publication schedule, while dealing with editorial concerns as they arise
Native speaker of English, or capable of writing and editing in English at a native level At least two years of writing or editing experience Currently located in China or able to enter the country by the job’s starting date; if a foreign passport-holder, must meet requirements for obtaining a work visa in China An understanding of modern feature-writing conventions A good eye for editing in terms of style, logic, flow, and journalism conventions Ability to edit and write quality long-form stories, as well as shorter articles and blogs, under deadline Ability to shepherd new writers and non-native speakers of English through TWOC’s writing conventions Creative thinker capable of working independently as well as collaboratively with others Familiarity with current affairs and cultural trends in China Familiarity with any of the following areas would be an asset: Chinese history, contemporary art, technology, books, film, diaspora, and environment Chinese speaking and reading ability would be an asset